Happy Cleats
Happy Cleats

Happy cleats

Help bring happiness to kids all around the world by donating your cleats


Our story

Hi everybody! Thank you for visiting the Happy Cleats page. My name is Karim, I am 16 years old, and I love to play soccer. While spending time in Colombia, I went to a field to play and noticed that many young boys were playing barefoot. I saw that their feet were full of blisters and they were in pain so I took off my cleats and gave them to one of the boys. The look of joy on the boy's face was one that I will never forget. After talking to the boys, they told me that their entire team was in need of cleats but could not afford them. This inspired me to go into my closet, gather the few used pairs of cleats I had outgrown, and give them to the kids.

After returning home to the US, I figured many kids like me may have outgrown cleats tucked away, so I decided to start collecting used cleats to send them to teams and kids all over the world who share my love of the beautiful game. Thanks to your help, we have been able to collect over a hundred pairs of cleats, helping the lives of countless young athletes in need.

We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.
- Winston Churchill -